A Book Club Visit
I’ve just returned from a lovely visit to Seattle, where I dropped in on a local book club, who’d just read “After All, You’re Callie Boone”.
They were kind enough to let me listen in on their discussion, then had some great questions for me, like:
Q: Why is Callie Boone a diver?
A: I wanted Callie to be training for something she’d ultimately have to do alone. No matter how much she practices and how much help she gets from the people around her, when it comes to the competition, and she’s standing at the edge of the diving board, it’s all up to her.
Q: When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
A: Since I was a little kid. I loved to read and I always wanted to see my own book on a library shelf.
Q: Do you like writing?
A: Yes. I love it, and it’s a very big part of my life. It’s kind of a funny hobby, though, because writing a book involves spending a lot of time alone, but after it’s finished, a writer has to switch gears and start talking about the book with readers, interviewers, etc. Something that had been very private suddenly becomes public!
Q: Do you use people you know as characters?
A: Sometimes there are bits and pieces of friends and family in the characters. Sometimes I use real arguments that I may have lost in real life. The fun thing about fiction is that I can think about what I wish I’d said, and re-write the moment.